Sunday, February 24, 2013


I attended service in another church today because that pastor (prophet) from Ile-ife was invited again for another program. Well, if you read this post, you would understand why I fear him and any other prophet from Ile-ife. So I entered this church (another parish of the same church) and met an interactive session. The session was about marriage and health issues and the resource persons were highly experienced people (they were actually a couple) as far as marriage and health issues are concerned. They have been married for forty-something years now (hmmm...) and the woman is a retired doctor. Now, like most of the interactive sessions conducted these days, there was nothing new to learn and
most of the questions asked were not given satisfactory answers - at least from my point of view. Or maybe I was just being my usual critical self and those who actually asked the questions may have gotten satisfactory answers. Well, anyhow, I didn't learn anything new but i dont regret attending and I would not say it was a waste of time cos i did manage to relearn what I had learnt before. That is something!

To the crux of the matter! The only issues I had with the resource persons was that they attempted (like all persons are wont to do once they stand on the pulpit) to answer every question with 'just keep on praying' without suggesting practical solutions. I have no issues with prayer; in fact I believe in that 'prayer is the master key' song but I also believe that faith without works is dead!

For instance, someone, anonymously, by pen and paper, asked a question. She said that she feels, or rather, knows that her husband has another wife outside the home and she doesn't know what to do about it! Imagine their response "just remain faithful to him and keep praying about it". I expected (my opinion) that she would have been told to find a way to confirm from him or other sources first instead of worrying unecessary. Then she should find a way to meet with the other lady, assuming it is true and has been confirmed. Who knows, the other lady might not even know that the man she got married to is already married. All these should be followed with intensive prayers. Or what do you think? What's your opinion about this issue?

Another person asked an important question concerning preventing male infertility which they also blew, saying that men should try to eat balanced diet. I then sent them a question asking for specific food suggestions that could boost make fertility and she (the resource woman) continued to talk of the same vague balanced diet stuff - carbohydrate, protein, vitamins- imagine!

Well, they tried. It is not easy to just come out and begin to spontaneously attack questions regarding peoples problems and life issues. Now, for that woman suspecting her husband, what would you suggest?

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