Thursday, June 13, 2013

My first 'corporate' interview

I attended my first post graduate interview yesterday and it was ...phew! I purposely incorporated the word 'corporate' in the title because it was not actually my first interview. I've had other interviews for teaching, sales boy, 'Danfo' driving etc but this was the first major sensible one with prospects of a good pay. As usual, I would not pass on a good opportunity to learn something new cos for me, each encounter and event is an opportunity to learn and become better. Now I don't want to be selfish in this case cos I know most of us are job hunting. So i'll reveal my experience and the lessons learnt.

The interview was for a bank job (Name withheld for security reasons) and it was conducted at their headquarters in Victoria Island, lagos. Now if you are going for an interview in a corporate

Sunday, June 09, 2013

The 'What Next?' Question.....

Thank God my NYSC year is over. A lot of persons were not aware that I was serving and of the lot that knew, only a few are aware that I am through. For me, NYSC was no big deal and there was no need publicising. Unlike some persons, I hardly uploaded NYSC photos (I think I uploaded only three camp pictures) on facebook and did not even bother filling my album with hardcopies - just to tell you how low it ranked in my scale of importance. This reminds me of a  guy in camp that took pictures over every little action - includin reflex actions. He took pictures while he was sleeping, marching, eating, bathing, sneezing etc until he couldn't pay anymore and began to hide. His face was on every photographers stand. Nobody pitied him, not even the photographers.

Back to the issue at hand. It is quite surprising (to me) to see that the question on every one's lips is what next after NYSC. I read people's status and tweets and
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