Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Dreams are Achievable - part 1

I wrote and published my first book at the age of 12. I was in JS 2 then, very intelligent and passionate about literature and arts in general. I was the best in my class when it came to articles, compositions and letter writing. I was so good that I didn’t need to exert any effort before flooring everyone with my write up. There was one time when I had an issue with my English teacher and she gave me some spanking; about 2 slaps actually, after which she gave us an exercise to write an informal letter. I was angry with her and decided that I would write the worst letter she had ever seen or read. So I settled down and started writing what my mind called a very terrible letter. Within minutes I was through and flung my book at her (Just kidding - I actually submitted humbly), together with other students. The next period she returned to class and complained of how disappointed she was at our letters, I smiled in my mind. She continued with the bashing and at the end, said she was going to read the letter she considered the best. Your guess is as good as mine; yes, she read my letter. I was so furious, I didn’t understand why I couldn’t even intentionally fail a common letter. 
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